Sunday, October 3, 2010

BP4 "gliffy" Web 2.0 Tool

Name: Gliffy


How I would use this: This is a diagram maker to a mind mapping program. Any class where any diagrams are used or needed can use this program. Venn diagrams are used in most classes and the set of tools are great. If you need a graphic organizer this program can create one very.

Cost & Interface: There is a 30 day trial for free. Purchased accounts start at 5$ a month and increase as the number of users is increased. Institutional discounts are available. The interface looks like a standard graphics program: tools can be selected, templates can be chosen from, and preset shapes offered via icon tool palettes. 

Why I chose it: This software is a strong program. Flexible tools, great graphics, and easy to use.

Outstanding Feature: The graphics search is linked to yahoo and the pictures were great.

Check the Video Summary: A silent video with and outline of interface and features.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice program Jim! I was looking for a good mapping tool myself. I visited the Gliffy website and the templates are really nice and the interface seems simple to use. Good choice, I may be using this one myself thanks!

