Friday, October 22, 2010

PE5 (Part 2/5 of Garage Band/iMovie)

First time using loops in Garage Band...

   Used the opportunity of the final video assignment to finally try to loop music in Garage Band so I could use it in iMovie. I had looked at this section of Garage Band but had never really tried to make it work for a "real" video. I was quite surprised by several things. First it was quite easy, which should not come as a surprise from Apple. Second I was able to easily extend a 41 second loop to 2 1/2 minutes.

Selected "Loops"

Selected "Rock" & "Cheerful"

Placed the 1st loop in the sequence window.

Placed the 1st loop in the sequence window A SECOND TIME.

Then overlapped the end of the 1st loop with the beginning of the 2nd forcing the 1st loop to be shortened. (Moved the loop slowly in and listened carefully each time to hear that the music "worked.")

Then separated the clips by a large distance. Copied the clip being careful where the cursor was finally placed.

Then paste what was copied multiple times.

Quickly took a forty second loop up to more than 2 minutes quickly and easily.

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